Monday, October 27, 2008

When It doesn't Shine!

Milan isn't famous for it's weather! Although one would assume being in Italy, that the sun should shine daily. Today in Milan the sun isn't shining, and it amazes me how much it makes me suffer. I actually can't stand the cold, or the grey gloom, which is sometimes the excuse I give to myself for not moving back to London. But then at least in Milan we do have seasons, so although we may be entering a period of gloom when we all set our clocks back yesterday, it wont last forever, and although Milan isn't the Caribbean, the sun does shine a lot and until today, I was hot every time I left my house. Still if I were to live somewhere that was hot everyday, I'd have to be in San Diego, or Sydney, or Costa Rica, and well they all seem so far........
Yet the cities that I love look something more like London, New York, Paris, Berlin, none of them famous for their weather. I guess you can't have a love affair without a struggle!

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